Friday, July 30, 2010

Alexander (2004) Director's Cut

Directed by Oliver Stone

The mostly (maybe) true story of Alexander the Great.

1. at 1:02:37
- Colin Farrell
- Jared Leto
a profession of love

2. at 1:12:53
- Colin Farrell
- Jared Leto
a gift of a ring

3. at 1:30:25
- Colin Farrell
- Gary Stretch

4. at 1:30:49
- Jonathan Rhys Meyers
- Neil Jackson

5. at 1:41:00
- Colin Farrell
- Francisco Bosch
dancing, kiss

6. at 1:51:00
- Val Kilmer
- Toby Kebbell

- everything about this movie is too long. The battles, the dying, the story. For a life that was supposedly so great and exciting, the story moves unbearably slow.

2/5, if its on tv, and there is nothing else to do, watch it.

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